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Last updated
This section displays the trades that have ended, including the amount of profit or loss incurred.
Type - Displays the currency you traded with, the direction of your position (LONG or SHORT), and the amount of leverage you used.
Action - Displays whether the trade was closed fully, partially or liquidated.
Size - The current total position value of the trade.
Net Value - Simply subtracts the realized PNL from your total collateral.
Collateral - The amount of USD you put up for the trade.
Entry Price - The USD value of the cryptocurrency at the time of opening the trade.
Close Price - This is the price at which your trade was closed.
Realized PnL - This number indicates whether you made a profit (green) or a loss (red) on your Collateral from when you opened to when you closed the trade.
Glossary for the image above:
Clicking the Arrow Button next to the PnL value of your position allows you share your trade.